How to Choose Your Cosmetic Injector

In the rapidly growing medical aesthetics industry, how should you know who to choose to perform your cosmetic injections? There are essential guidelines required, as well as good indicating factors to help you decide. First, adequate knowledge of anatomy, medicine, and the ability to respond to rare complications is essential for any cosmetic injector. On top of that, regulations for those who are allowed to perform injections are determined by jurisdiction. In New Brunswick, only a medical doctor, physician, or supervised RN may legally perform cosmetic injections.

With these minimal guidelines, what other important factors should you consider when choosing your cosmetic injector?


Reputation matters

Recommendations and referrals are a good sign that you can trust a cosmetic injector. 

It is typically easy to gauge the level of expertise of your provider based on their reputation. Most new clients come to us because someone has shared their good experience. They stay with our clinic because of the way we make them feel, by providing honest advice, professional integrity, and comfort.


Industry experts

Your cosmetic injector’s qualifications and level of experience will play a significant role in the treatment and care you receive. Aside from certifiable credentials, experience is gained by assessing and treating many different patients, observing outcomes over time, and maintaining up to date knowledge. Combined as medical professionals (MD and RN), we have more than 20 years of industry experience. You can surely rely on the experts at our clinic. 


Pay for the professionals

When considering cosmetic injectors, price should not be the deciding factor. The price per unit of botox or per syringe of filler includes the cost of the product used, combined with the skill and expertise of the injector. You get what you pay for. An experienced injector may be better able to strategically use the product more effectively to get you a better outcome for the same price. Furthermore, hotels, malls, and home parties are not safe professional environments for injectable treatments.


Clear communication

A large part of medical aesthetics is building your relationship with clients and earning their trust. Clear rapport with your injector will only increase their ability to deliver the results you’re looking for. Attending different injectors from different clinics is like hitting the reset button and starting over each time. In our practice, we prepare a personalized treatment plan for each client with attention given to their specific needs. We review this plan at each visit to ensure we are still on track to reach your aesthetic goals. 


Set the expectations

It is extremely important your cosmetic injector informs you of all details and potential risks prior to performing your procedure. An experienced cosmetic injector will ensure their client goes into their procedure without any questions or hesitations and clearly identifies the results that can be achieved.


We want to follow-up with you

Availability for follow up is crucial, a thorough cosmetic injector will prioritize this with their clients. We take follow-up care very seriously at our practice. Touch-ups or follow up of rare complications may be necessary, even in the most experienced hands. When choosing your cosmetic injector, ensure there is a physician on-site as needed and readily accessible for follow-up care. 

At Dr. Andrea Hickey Medical Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on the many years spent helping our clients reach their aesthetic goals. Not only are our services based on scientific evidence, they are delivered with the utmost care and skill to ensure clients feel comfortable and safe. 

Reach out to Dr. Andrea Hickey Medical Aesthetics office to learn more about our cosmetic injectable services.